Monday, June 27, 2011


I want to give my girls all little make-overs.  Nothing drastic, mainly because if I did everything I wanted to do, times 10 GIRLS, well, I don't have that kind of money!  And if I did, wouldn't I be buying REAL BLYTHE dolls, instead of clones?  I don't know though, the more I look at my little clones, the more I LOVE THEM!

CIRCLE OF CLONES:  Clockwise from PINK HAIR:  Blybe, LBE, LBE, LBE, CCE (Brunette)

What can be done with little to no expense? 

Hair cuts/ trims.  Boil perms for curls and/or waves.  I could try getting the shine off the faces, and if I do that, then I would have to put "some" color back into their cheeks, lips, etc.  I have to admit that I do NOT like the HUGE NOSE on the LBE dolls, and so, it wouldn't be necessarily expensive to change the noses, or maybe even the lips too ?  I don't have the funds to change out their bodies, so I am "stuck" with those, but I can make them have individual fingers, and I CAN carve their huge flat feet, so they can fit into smaller footwear.  Not to mention ALL my Barbie and other doll clothes, items I have in my possession, from the early 90's until now. 

When my niece was growing up, she spent a lot of time over at my house, and I purchased a ton of doll stuff for her to play with, and I still have that in storage as well.  At the same time, I was making Barbie Displays at work, so as far as any photo shoots, I am curious to see what stuff I actually have saved ...

I begin all projects with ... A GRID.

I listed all my girls;  their hair colors;  their existing eye chips, and began to plot out what changes were possible for me to make, with my limited funds, and limited expertise.  Sure SOUNDS easy enough ... !

Where to start ... WHERE to start .....? ? ?

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